No More Blackouts

Get instant power supply with Generac generators

Air-Cooled Generac Generator Services in Texas

At Sugar Land Electric, LLC, we provide reliable sales, services, and installation services of Generac generators and systems, the world #1 manufacturer of backup generators.

We are your local electricians with experience extending over three decades. Our skilled electricians can install and repair air-cooled, backup, and standby generators.

Recognized by Generac

We are accredited and registered partners of the Generac company. What it means is that we specialize in handling all aspects of generators. From installations to repairs, we have standard operating guidelines that conform to Generac’s superior service delivery.

Home Generators

Never miss out on a special moment in your home with a power outage.

Restore power in seconds with high-quality Generac generators. We provide reliable services across all size and watt range. Choose from air-cooled, backup, and standby generators and let us support you with our excellent services.